Homeschooling in Europe
Are you considering homeschooling your children, but aren’t sure what the rules and regulations are around Europe? Keep reading to learn more about homeschooling in Europe, the requirements in various countries, as well as the answer to some of the more frequently asked questions for each of the major European countries.
1. Homeschooling in Spain
In Spain, parents can choose to send their children to either public or private schools.
While homeschooling is not widely accepted in Spain, there are government-approved homeschooling programs available for those parents that would rather educate their children at home.
For those parents leaning towards a more traditional approach to education, Spain offers both public and private school options. Public schools typically follow the Spanish national curriculum, offering students the framework and qualifications needed for college admissions. Private schools, on the other hand, may have a slightly different curriculum and offer specialised instruction with smaller class sizes. Depending on each family’s situation and values, both options offer great opportunities to give children an excellent education in Spain.
2. Homeschooling in Portugal
Across the Western border from Spain, Portugal has a very liberal approach to homeschooling and there are no specific rules in place.
Portugal is unique in its homeschooling regulations. Unlike many countries, homeschooling is completely unregulated and open to any families who choose to pursue it.
Parents and guardians have unfettered autonomy in deciding the type and content of their homeschool curriculum, as well as the length of time and commitment devoted to homeschooling.
The lack of restriction offers homeschoolers in Portugal an unparalleled level of academic and social freedom. Even more appealing is the fact that there are no required state exams or central scrutineering bodies, enabling private tutors with a peaceful environment to nurture their pupil’s education and development.
With such a liberal approach, homeschoolers in Portugal are fortunate to have such an environment conducive to their needs.
3. Homeschooling in Italy
Italy does not have any formal laws regarding homeschooling, but most schools do require students to attend class in person.
Homeschooling in Italy is an interesting concept, with no enforceable laws or regulations in place. While homeschooling is not illegal, public and private schools do expect students to attend classes in person. Due to this, homeschooling is largely overlooked, particularly by the government and educational institutions.
Despite this, homeschooling can still be quite popular among Italian families who find the flexibility it offers beneficial to their family lifestyles or learning needs.
This is particularly true of Italian parents who find themselves travelling around the country or indeed the world, usually as a result of work commitments.
For parents who fit this description, we are able to provide Travel Tutors, who are happy to travel around with you, delivering a consistent educational experience to your child or children, ensuring that they don’t miss out!
Homeschooling in the UK
The UK has a number of different options for parents who want to homeschool their children, including online courses and independent study programs.
Homeschooling in the UK is becoming a more attractive and viable option for those wishing to take educational matters into their own hands.
With a number of different and flexible homeschooling options available, parents have several different paths from which to choose that best suit the requirements of their children.
Options range from taking advantage of online homeschool courses with set curriculums, to independent study programs with lesson plans tailored to fit a child’s individual needs.
Whichever route they decide upon, homeschooling provides an opportunity for parents to lead their child’s education without sacrificing their child’s social development or personal interests.
Where is Homeschooling Illegal?
Away from these main territories, there are a number of countries across Europe where homeschooling is illegal, except in certain circumstances.
These include France, Germany, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, the Netherlands and Sweden! Having said that, there are some grey areas, such as in the Netherlands where some exceptions are made for families who cannot find a school in their vicinity which matches with their religion or life convictions for example. If in doubt, we recommend you do some research or contact us here at Beacon for more information about homeschooling in a specific country.
Whatever country you are located in or considering moving to, it’s important to research your options thoroughly to make an informed decision when it comes to your child’s education.
Are you considering homeschooling in Europe? Get in touch with us today for more information on how we can help through the provision of a private tutor.