16 Nov 2023

How Does Homeschooling Work

Curious about homeschooling and how does homeschooling work? Well, homeschooling can be a rewarding and unique way to educate your children, but it’s important to understand the ins and outs before diving in. This overview will cover the basics of homeschooling, including the different approaches to homeschooling and the benefits and challenges that come with this educational choice.

What is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling has become quite the buzzword lately, and it’s not hard to see why. When the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on traditional schooling systems, many parents turned to this alternative method of education for their children.

While homeschooling was already gaining popularity before the pandemic, the past couple of years have seen an unprecedented surge in its use. In fact, the number of homeschooling families in the US has nearly doubled since the start of COVID-19. So, if you’ve been considering homeschooling for your own family, now might be the perfect time to explore this exciting educational option.

Homeschooling has become a popular choice among families who seek the freedom to personalise their child’s education. It’s parent-directed education that happens in the comfort of your own home, granting parents the flexibility to devise their own curriculum, adjust their school schedule, and expand learning experiences beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom.

While some families choose to hire a private tutor or join a homeschooling co-op, ultimately the responsibility for their child’s education rests with the parents. This may seem like a lot of work, but for those who are committed to the process, homeschooling can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both parents and kids. By taking ownership of their child’s education, parents can ensure that their child receives a tailored education that meets their individual learning needs and prepares them for success in the future.

Let’s delve a little deeper…

The Benefits of Homeschooling

When it comes to education options, the possibilities seem endless, ranging from public and private schools to homeschooling and charter schools. If you’re weighing the pros and cons of homeschooling versus public school, here are some of the most common advantages associated with homeschooling.

Homeschooling Provides Flexibility

Homeschooling has been gaining popularity over the years and for good reason. One of the key attractions of homeschooling is the flexibility it offers. Parents who choose to homeschool their children have the freedom to create a personalised educational experience that suits their family’s unique needs and lifestyle.

Unlike traditional schooling, homeschooling parents can select the curriculum and tailor the school schedule to accommodate other interests or extracurricular activities. This kind of teaching approach enables parents to take their children on trips during the school year or explore personal interests without compromising on education. Homeschooling, therefore, provides a great opportunity to give children a well-rounded education filled with enriching experiences.

Your Homeschooling Journey is Customisable

Homeschooling transcends traditional boundaries, giving your students the freedom to learn at their own pace and in unique environments. Instead of confining education to a classroom, parents can take their children outside to explore, embark on exciting field trips, and even travel while seamlessly integrating educational experiences. This breadth of possibilities allows for a captivating and dynamic approach to learning.

Homeschooling Lets You ‘Individualise’ the Educational Experience

Homeschooling can be a game-changer for families who want to take an individualised approach to education. One of the biggest perks is the freedom to cater to your child’s unique learning style. When you’re homeschooling, you have the freedom to adapt and tweak the curriculum to fit your child’s interests and strengths. This not only makes learning more enjoyable, but can also be a huge boost to their confidence and motivation.

Whether your child is an avid reader, a visual learner, or a budding scientist, homeschooling allows you to create a personalised education that helps them thrive.

The Drawbacks of Homeschooling

Homeschooling may have its challenges, as every family has unique needs and preferences when it comes to education. Here, we will explore some of the potential drawbacks to homeschooling.

Reliance on Parent Responsibility

Homeschooling can be a wonderful opportunity for students to learn and grow at their own pace, with more freedom and flexibility than they would find in a traditional classroom setting. However, this style of education also places a significant responsibility on parents to ensure that their children are meeting state standards and are prepared for graduation.

It’s understandable if parents feel unsure about taking on this crucial role of teacher, but there are a variety of resources and curricula available to guide them through the process. From individual subject lessons to all-in-one K-12 options, parents can find the right fit for their child’s needs and interests. With the right support and guidance, homeschooling can provide a rich and rewarding educational experience for both students and their parents.

Financial Considerations

Unlike traditional schooling, homeschooling is not funded by the government, so the financial burden lies on the parents. This means you have to budget for the cost of curriculum, extracurricular activities, field trips, and other necessary supplies for your lessons. However, there are practical ways to save money on materials. You can utilise library resources, seek out used homeschool curriculum, or join a co-op where you can share resources and split costs with other homeschooling families. By redirecting the funds that would have been spent on high school tuition, you might even have the opportunity to save for your child’s future college education, alleviating the burden of student loan debt.

Lifestyle Changes

Homeschooling requires a significant adjustment for families accustomed to traditional schooling. One parent may need to stay at home instead of going to work, which can impact the family’s lifestyle and dynamics. Additionally, finding social opportunities for your children and ensuring they have a peer network can be a concern. Homeschoolers may miss out on school-sponsored activities and the chance to meet friends in a typical school setting. However, there are various ways to address these challenges. Connecting with other homeschool families through co-ops, sports leagues, and group classes can provide valuable social interactions. In some cases, local public schools may even allow homeschoolers to participate in extracurricular activities. Rest assured that homeschooled students often excel socially, with studies showing improved performance in various aspects of life.

By understanding and addressing the potential drawbacks of homeschooling, you can make informed decisions and create an engaging educational experience for your child. Remember, you have a supportive community of homeschoolers ready to help you along the way.

How to Start Homeschooling

Are you considering homeschooling? Great choice! Once you’ve weighed the pros and cons, done your research, and have your family on board, it’s time to get started.

Let’s begin with the basics. First, find out what your local homeschool requirements are. Next, discover how your students learn best. Do they thrive in a hands-on environment or prefer a more structured approach? Once you’ve figured that out, it’s time for you to decide how you prefer to teach. Are you excited about incorporating interactive activities or leaning towards traditional methods? The choice is yours.

Now, let’s talk about curriculum selection. With a wide variety of options available, finding the right one may seem overwhelming. But worry not, we’re here to help! Alongside curriculum, creating a flexible schedule is essential, allowing you to balance routine and flexibility.

You might be wondering: “Am I qualified to teach my kids at home?” Absolutely! While you don’t need an education degree, having access to incredible resources and a genuine passion for your child’s education is all it takes. Joining local homeschool groups and connecting with other families will provide you with insights into their experiences, curriculum suggestions, and extracurricular activities. From tutors to online forums, the homeschooling community offers a wealth of support tailored to your needs.

Remember, you know your child best. Embrace the freedom to personalise their education. As you embark on this homeschooling journey, it’s important to start simple and adapt as you go. Discover what works best for your student, experiment with your routines, and make adjustments along the way.

Should I Employ a Private Tutor?

Homeschooling your child can be a challenging task, especially when you have to balance it with your everyday life. Employing a private tutor may be the solution you need. It has been proven that some homeschoolers have found success with private tutors by their side. However, before you decide to hire a tutor, research their qualifications and make sure their teaching methods align with your homeschooling goals.

To assure quality and proper matching with a tutor, you can engage with a specialist private tutor agency like Beacon. Their bespoke service expertly matches tutors with families in need, and as such, they can help make your transition to homeschooling an effective and comfortable process.

Enjoy the Homeschooling Process

As a parent, you want the best for your children, and sometimes that means thinking outside the box when it comes to their education. With homeschooling, learning becomes an enriching adventure that knows no boundaries. It is an opportunity to inspire curiosity, foster a love for knowledge, and empower your children to become lifelong learners. Enjoy the process and, of course, if you need any further help or guidance the Beacon Education team are here to help. Feel free to contact us here.


How does homeschooling work - beacon education